Employment Support Scheme (ESS) 신청방법 > 공지사항 | 아토즈 홍콩
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Employment Support Scheme (ESS) 신청방법

페이지 정보

작성자 아토즈홍콩 작성일20-05-28 15:12
조회7,292회 댓글0건


고용지원제도 (ESS)

신청기간: 2020년5월25일–6월14일

지급시점: 1차지급(2020년6월-8월)


지원한도: 1명 직원 당 월HKD9,000 (총 6개월간)

주의사항: 지원금은반드시직원급여로사용할것

            지원금을 받는 기간 중에 직원을 해고할 경우 벌금이 발생

ESS 인터넷사이트

ESS official website: https://www.ess.gov.hk/en/
ESS online application: https://application.ess.gov.hk/en/apply
ESS Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.ess.gov.hk/en/faq.html


Company Name in Chinese (shown on BR)
Company Name in English (shown on BR)
Address (shown on BR)
Month you have chosen for application
Name of your existing MPF vendor
Name of MPF plan provided by MPF vendor (normally it will be shown after the MPF vendor is selected)
MPF Scheme No. of your company
Scan copy (PDF / Jpeg) of your latest bank statement (file size not more than 10MB)

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